• The new British PM and chancellor are surely in the running for “shittest soonest”?

  • Someone agreed to buy our house. Next up is months of living on edge as our inexplicably long-winded house-buying process creaks along while (re: above) the government tries to fuck it all up.

  • On Sunday I was left alone with the two kids for the first time while Nanda went to vote. It was fine — the baby is now drinking from the bottle when there’s no alternative and the toddler was very cute, “helping” with things like changing nappies (i.e. pulling all the wipes out of the packet, dropping them on the floor). Everyone survived so I consider it a success.

  • Had a birthday lunch at my uncle’s house. This was formerly my grandmother’s house so to see my kids running around the garden after dinner brought back memories of me running around the garden after dinner, 35+ years ago. Time flies. It was great to see everyone.

  • I was offered a job. More to come.