• Kid news: the baby now blows raspberries when she is unhappy. Sun in her eyes? BLPPPPPPPH! BLPPPPPPH!

    I have been making more of an effort to take her out for a walk a few times a day. It’s not that I dislike going for a walk — I love to get out of the house and it’s a good way to pass some time with her — but the pavements around here are narrow and cracked and it’s just a bit of a pain to push a pushchair. I found a nice loop with some views of sheep and fields and a railway though so that has helped quite a bit.

  • Move news: the person who said they want to buy our house still wants to buy our house despite the other chaos in the UK. I hope it stays this way.

    I spent the week (well, spent this week’s occasional pockets of “spare” time) trying to get rid of stuff ahead of the move. 2009 Irish tax return? Bin. 15 year old OU assignments? Bin. Etc. The apartment we’re moving to is tiny so I think I need to find more than this to chuck out.

    When we moved in I replaced the old thermostats with a Tado system. It’s nice stuff but without an internet connection and the associated apps (say, when a new owner moves in) it’s clunky and awkward so I’m not sure how to hand this over gracefully. I sort of suspect I’ll end up removing it all and putting the grubby old Honeywell thermostats back, if I can remember how to wire them up.

    After I finish writing this I am going to collect all the mouse traps from the loft before the survey tomorrow. There are no mice up there now (AFAICT) but when we moved in there were living mice, traps, and somewhere between 2 and 4 dead mice in the loft. The new owners are already getting a good deal.

  • Exercise news: I entered the Zürich half marathon in April next year and ran a few times this week. My hamstrings and knees ache so it was probably too much too soon but I am stupid and stubborn.

  • Family news: on Sunday we hauled the kids down to my mum’s house to some family. The baby pooped on the way and I had to pee in a bush after drinking too much coffee beforehand. While we were there everyone ate cake and didn’t take naps while I put some felt on a summer house roof. Fun for all!

  • Job news: still waiting for an offer.