• I realised that toddlers don’t obey Newton’s first law. You can’t just set a toddler off in the direction of bed and assume they’ll just go that way unless acted on by another force. They need constant cajoling, pushing, encouraging, convincing and bargaining to get to wherever you want them. Any second you aren’t applying some kind of pressure results in a complete stall while they wander off and demand to watch “grippy” or find that marble you knew you should have picked up when you saw it 3 minutes ago or do literally anything that isn’t what you need right now.

    However, they say funny things and are curious and loving so it’s all about taking the rough with the smooth.

  • The thought of Boris coming back gives me actual pangs of anxiety. On late Sunday afternoon there were grey skies and thunder and torrential rain. It crossed my mind that perhaps Boris had gotten enough backers to secure the leadership of the Tory party and that this was in fact The End.

  • Job news: I accepted Google’s offer and start on January 9th. There’s a load of move-related stuff to do before then but things seem to be falling into place. I hope it continues this way. 🤞

  • After about 2 weeks of piecemeal effort I finally finished watching the first instalment of Tom making a WebAssembly parser in Ruby. I am learning and enjoying.